This Service Agreement (“Agreement”) governs the services ("Services") between Salvo Today, LLC ("Provider") and the undersigned party ("Customer"). The Agreement constitutes the scope of the Services using the Salvo Software (“Software”).
The primary objectives of the Services are to provide ongoing strategic guidance for Political Campaigns, Parties, and Action Committees (PACs), as it pertains to their voter outreach initiatives, and to train the Customer’s personnel of choice on how to tactically leverage the Software to execute the desired voter outreach strategy.
For effective and streamlined coordination between the Provider and Customer, it is required that at least some of the personnel participating in the Services on behalf of the Customer, have decision making authority on Customer’s voter outreach initiatives. These leadership personnel (“Leads”) include at least one of the following: The candidate, a campaign manager, a field operations lead, an election operations lead, and/or a communications lead.
1. Introduction and Scope: This Agreement outlines the parameters of all Services covered as they are mutually understood by the Provider and Customer.
2. Services Provided: Under this Agreement, Provider will deliver the following services:
2.1 Weekly Strategy Call: Provider will facilitate a one-hour, weekly video conference call, with the Leads and any other Customer chosen personnel, for the purpose of gaining an understanding of the Customer's voter value proposition and vision, to gather insights into what target voter segments and messaging might look like based on the Customer's strategy, and to formulate, mobilize and deploy voter contact initiatives.
2.2 Electorate Profile Analysis: Provider, along with the Leads, will conduct an analysis of the electorate relevant to the Customer's objectives, providing insight into voter makeup, likely voter coalitions, voting patterns, demographic trends, and other relevant factors that aim to increase voter turnout in favor of the Customer’s intended elections outcome.
2.3 Target Voter Segmentation: Provider and Leads will use the Software to define the target voter segments based on various voter demographic, geographical, behavioral, and other data points and constituent factors.
2.4 Target Message Crafting: Provider will work with Leads to craft effective and engaging messaging, surveys and calls to action aimed at the voter audiences.
2.5 Outreach Roadmap Setup: Provider and Leads will use the Software to develop a comprehensive voter outreach roadmap, including milestones, timed voter outreach instances (Salvos), supporting logistics tasks, and voter contact tactics to be followed and implemented by Customer’s voter outreach personnel.
2.6 Continuous Adjustment: Based on the feedback loop during the weekly strategy calls, the Provider and Leads will continually adapt and adjust the outreach roadmap, target messaging, target voter segmentation, and overall contact mobilization strategy as needed.
2.7 Software Training & Usage: The Provider will train the Leads, and any other Customer chosen personnel, on how to use the Software and execute voter contact in an efficient and effective manner. It is the responsibility of the Customer to ensure that all personnel use the Software to locate, engage and capture voter interaction data so ongoing analysis can be conducted to gauge the effectiveness of the voter outreach initiatives.
3. Service Availability: Provider will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the Software and Services are available to the Customer, except for periods of scheduled maintenance or circumstances outside Provider's control.
4. Information & Materials: To receive the Services outlined in this Agreement, Customer agrees to cooperate with Provider and provide any necessary information and materials required for the timely provisioning and ongoing execution of the Services.
5. Payment Schedule: The Customer agrees to pay for the Services and Software in full, prior to commencement of Services and Software usage. Customer agrees to pay in full and prior to production and/or delivery of, all voter outreach collateral such as texting buckets, emailing buckets, mailers, door-hangers, and any other material required to communicate with voters.
6. Term and Termination: This Agreement will commence on the Effective Date and continue monthly, unless otherwise stipulated. Customer may cancel Services, for any reason, with a 30-day notice via email (provided below). No refunds of any amount will be issued due to cancelation of Services and/or Software usage by Customer.
Date of Last Revision: December 10th, 2023